Thursday, September 17, 2009

Digital Photo

So, I take photo in school. One major difference in photo this year compared to every other year in the past is that the photo class has gone digital since half my school is going under renovation and that half of the school has the dark rooms, and they didn't bother to build a new dark room. So far, its pretty fun. I enjoy it a lot. We have an amazing studio with awesome computers, printers and cameras. The first pictures the class took yesterday with the cameras were of flowers. Pretty corny but it was fun. And today we uploaded the pictures we took to our computers and we started playing around with the effects and such in photo shop. We had 2 kinds of pictures when we uploaded the pictures to the computer (2 of the same picture except each a different format). One was in .JPG which is your average format in which most pictures are saved. The other was a raw file. A raw file is in a way, just like a negative that you'd get out of a black and white camera. It shows you every little detail and such. The raw file is the file that we edit with the most. Its a really fun class, and I think getting the knowledge and feel of digital photography earlier in my photo career then later is great for me, since I want to go to college for photo. Anyway, this class is fun. I can't wait to see what the rest of the semester is going to look like.

P.S. the photo above is not something I did in class. Its a photo I took a while ago that I took on a trip to Canada and played around with it in a program called Picnik, which is a lot like Photoshop. Enjoy.

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