Sunday, May 31, 2009

Crazy Business

So a while ago, back towards the beginning of my acting job, we had this film crew come in for a week to film our rehearsals for a documentary they were gonna put together about the acting troupe I'm in. So there was this one guy, I don't remember his name, but he was pretty good looking, and what seemed to be my type. I know, this may seem crazy and kind of predictable for a girl to say about a guy when she first meets him, but I donno. But once the week was over, maybe a couple days after, I wrote a little something about it. Here it goes:

Forget what I'm doing, forget what I'm told,
Sitting on stone steps,
Waiting for the rest of the day to unfold.
Killing himself slowly,
The smoke racing to his lungs.
I look past that,
And find his story yet untold.
Three days of noticing one another,
The rest of our lives living,
Its crazy how I fall for a guy while doing business.
His time is done here,
And another feeling of love has gone to waste,
How many people will I have to go through in order to get a real taste?

So that's the little something I wrote. I know I may sound like a winy girl, complaining about some crush, but, what can you do, right? What the hell?

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Found in a Newsletter

So, yesterday I got an e-mail from one of my 2 jobs, and it was the newsletter. And I found myself, as well as a few of my other co-workers and boss in a couple of photos in the newsletter. To me, that was very exciting, since sometimes, when I have a job that sends out newsletters and they have pictures of their workers doing stuff, I don't usually find myself in any, or if I do, its only like, my foot. But it just got me really excited!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Sebastian's Voodoo

Earlier today, I was about to log into my youtube account when I stumbled upon a video called Sebastian's Voodoo. Its a short film that is part of the National Film Board of Canada. This short film is really amazing, and is very creative. Here it is, and I hope you enjoy it. And if you want to see more short films, visit the National Film Board's myspace page, where you can also find the site of the NFB for more information.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


There’s a reason for everything

And there’s a reason why I care for you.

Friends for what seems like forever

With a love that makes it even more special.

I’m here for you

Every second, every day.

And no matter how mad I get you

I never want you to slip away.

I’m concerned sometimes, yes

And I don’t want to make things more of a mess.

Just know I’m here for you

Every second, every day

When you’re ready to spill your heart out

I’m just here


No matter what else I’m doing

Waiting, waiting, waiting for you.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mad World (Cover) by Adam Lambert

Now, this season, I have not been keeping up with American Idol. But the other day I saw an article about how this 39 year old lady was "in love" with one of the contestants, Adam Lambert, whom most of you reading this might know who this is if you keep up with the show, or hear a lot about it. But anyway, ever since reading that, I figured I might as well see if I could find any videos of him singing something on youtube, just to see if his voice is good, and not only get into this guy because of his looks, and I ended up finding this slideshow video thing of pictures of him, but him singing the song Mad World, originally done by Gary Jules. And this is probably one of the most amazing covers I have heard. He has an awesome voice and he sings this song wonderfully. Heres the video, hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Star Trek: Artist on Artist

So, last night, I saw the Star Trek movie with 2 of my friends. I was kind of scared to go see it, since it didn't really look that interesting or good to me. But then I saw it, and it turned out to be this pretty awesome movie. I enjoyed it a lot, and I'm not one of those big Star Trek fans fact...I'm not a fan of it at all, but this movie was pretty good. So I suggest for those people who haven't seen it yet to go check it out, 'cause its better than you might expect. Trust me, I felt the same way before seeing it. And heres a video from the Artist on Artist (on myspace) staring the 2 main characters, Chris Pine who plays Kirk and Zachary Quinto who plays Spock.

Artist on Artist Chris Pine - Zachary Quinto

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Heineken Commercial

I saw this commercial once on TV when I was out to dinner, and then I found it on youtube. Its pretty creative for a beer commercial. Check it out.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

True Colors: 1st High School Performance

So, I'm part of this theater troupe called True Colors, which is a out youth theater troupe run by the Theater Offensive. Today, we had our first show at a high school. Even though its technically our second time performing on tour, its still our first show at a high school, which was pretty exciting. I think we did pretty well, even though we had 2 of the troupe members not be there. But we did it!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Socialvibe: Body Glove

First one

So this is pretty cool. I've always seen people use this site for blogging but I've never used it before, I've mainly used myspace for blogging, and I still do. But I guess now I'll use both! So I guess I'll just say welcome and I hope you enjoy reading my blog. I post pretty much anything, no matter if its just a random blog saying how bored I am that day, or if its about some interesting video I found on youtube or something. I do anything! haha, well, more will come. Enjoy!

Oh, and also, if you not only want to keep up with what I have to say on here, you can also visit me on myspace and view my blog there.