So a while ago, back towards the beginning of my acting job, we had this film crew come in for a week to film our rehearsals for a documentary they were gonna put together about the acting troupe I'm in. So there was this one guy, I don't remember his name, but he was pretty good looking, and what seemed to be my type. I know, this may seem crazy and kind of predictable for a girl to say about a guy when she first meets him, but I donno. But once the week was over, maybe a couple days after, I wrote a little something about it. Here it goes:
Forget what I'm doing, forget what I'm told,
Sitting on stone steps,
Waiting for the rest of the day to unfold.
Killing himself slowly,
The smoke racing to his lungs.
I look past that,
And find his story yet untold.
Three days of noticing one another,
The rest of our lives living,
Its crazy how I fall for a guy while doing business.
His time is done here,
And another feeling of love has gone to waste,
How many people will I have to go through in order to get a real taste?
So that's the little something I wrote. I know I may sound like a winy girl, complaining about some crush, but, what can you do, right? What the hell?